I can, I can, I can
I can, I can, I can
I can, I can, I can
I can, I can, I can
I can, I can, I can
I can, I can, I can


Welcome to Sayes Court Primary School's website. I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of a school that promotes the best outcomes for all our pupils, both academically and personally.

Sayes Court is a one-form entry primary school in Surrey, and we are proud to be part of the Bourne Education Trust. We work closely with other Trust schools, both primary and secondary, in the local area and beyond. This collaborative approach ensures that our pupils benefit from the expertise of a wide range of skilled educational professionals.

At our school, we believe in the potential of every child as demonstrated by our motto: “I can, I can, I can”. We equip our children with the knowledge, skills and learning habits that they need in order to be successful at secondary school and beyond. Our curriculum is carefully planned and expertly delivered to ensure that children thrive and develop a thirst for knowledge. We are extremely proud of the educational outcomes our children achieve, but the real impact of our approach is evident in our articulate, reflective, enthusiastic and responsible pupils.

We pride ourselves on our inclusive approach which celebrates our children’s unique gifts and talents, as well as ensuring that all children make the progress from their individual starting points. Our Early Years provision ensures that all children develop a curious and confident approach to their learning from the very beginning. Personal development, through clubs, extra-curricular activities and our Guarantee, is a golden thread that is woven throughout our pupils’ school life.

If you would like to find out more about our school, we warmly welcome visits which can be arranged by contacting the school office.
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School Life

School Ambassadors

School Ambassador
School Ambassador
School Ambassador
School Ambassador
School Ambassador
School Ambassador

School Ambassador

Lower KS2

School Ambassador

Lower KS2

School Ambassador

Lower KS2

School Ambassador

Lower KS2

School Ambassador

Upper KS2

School Ambassador

Upper KS2
School Ambassador

School Ambassador

Lower KS2
  “I have so much fun playing rounders with all my friends.”
School Ambassador

School Ambassador

Lower KS2
“Mrs Jennings teaches us so much.”
School Ambassador

School Ambassador

Lower KS2
“I get to make huge volcanoes and watch them erupt.”
School Ambassador

School Ambassador

Lower KS2
“Maths is the best!”  
School Ambassador

School Ambassador

Upper KS2
  “English is my favourite subject, I get to write so many stories.”
School Ambassador

School Ambassador

Upper KS2
  “P.E is so much fun!”
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