Special Educational Needs

Louise and ainhoa

Assistant to SENCo – Mrs Redman SENCo – Mrs Ingles-Ripodas

Welcome to Sayes Court School, where every child’s unique journey is supported and celebrated! Our commitment to SEND provision lies at the heart of our inclusive ethos.

We firmly believe in equality of opportunity for every student. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to ensure that all lessons are accessible, engaging, and tailored to meet the diverse needs of each child, regardless of their abilities or challenges.

We are not just a place of learning; we are a community that embraces and celebrates differences. We work hand in hand with parents, carers, and external agencies to create personalized learning plans, ensuring that every child receives the support they require to thrive.

We support parents by:

  • Holding regular meetings with SENCo and Class Teacher
  • Send out termly child’s targets and their progress towards them
  • Share and discuss targets on SSA
  • Provisions in place are discussed and shared with parents
  • Parents are given advice on how to support their child at home
  • Parents are welcome to come to school and see the interventions if they wish to do so
  • Parents are provided with resources where necessary
  • Parents are signposted to help they can access outside of school

We involve our children by:

  • Discussing their thoughts, ideas and ways to support them (Passports and One Page Profile)
  • Gaining pupil voice

At Sayes Court we believe that all teachers are teachers of SEN and that all our SEN children are entitled to Quality First Teaching from their class teacher.  We are determined to make sure that our school meets the needs of every child we teach and believe that parental engagement is of paramount importance in doing so. 

SEN Information Report

SEND Pathway

If your child has already been identified as having SEND or you suspect that they may have SEN, please do not hesitate to contact the SENCo, Assistant SENCo or class teacher via Class Dojo or through the school office.

SENCo – Mrs Ingles-Ripodas

Assistant to SENCo – Mrs Redman

Every class teacher from Nursery through to Year 6 regularly reviews the progress of the children in their class. Where children are not making expected progress and attaining below age related expectation, teachers will put interventions in place to support these children. Teachers will discuss this with the SENCo and where necessary Send Support Arrangements (SSA) will be put in place which will include information about the children’s needs and their targets.

Teachers are your first point of contact for your child's needs, and our SENCo or Assistant SENCo are available if you seek further support. We provide a clear pathway for our SEND children, ensuring they receive the tailored care and attention they deserve throughout their time at our school.

Send pathway

We are well staffed and well-resourced and base our allocation of resources on the needs of individual children, groups and cohorts.

Our SENCo has completed the mandatory National SENCo Award. Staff receive training in the interventions we provide. They also receive training and guidance on how to support children in school. This training is offered through the SENCo, SLT, experienced class teachers / LSAs or through specialists and outside providers.



All interventions we put in place are researched, informed and evidence based.

Depending on the needs of the child, it may be necessary to seek advice and input from specialists.  The School access the following services:

  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Learning and Language Support
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Educational Psychology
  • Surrey Young Carers
  • Mindworks (previously CAMHS)
  • Freemantles School Outreach
  • Expertise from within the BET (MAT)
  • East to West (based in school)

Cherry Blossom – Additional Support Outside of the Classroom

Children can access modified lessons outside their regular classroom. We have Cherry Blossom room: which is for year 2 children upwards. These rooms offer tailored teaching to suit their needs.

The assistance provided in Cherry Blossom aims to empower each supported child to overcome learning challenges and develop important communication and interaction skills. We aim for these children to smoothly return to their regular classes for all lessons.

Each child has unique needs, and when deciding if Cherry Blossom support is suitable, we thoroughly assess their individual requirements. We value their opinions and those of their parents before making any decisions.

While some children face barriers, many of them receive necessary support within their regular class, without using Cherry Blossom.

It's important to note that having an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) doesn't automatically mean access to Cherry Blossom support. Decisions are based on the factors mentioned earlier.

Children benefit from Cherry Blossom support because of:

  • Enhanced Interaction: It addresses key needs like Communication & Interaction (C & I) and Social, Emotional, and Mental Health (SEMH).
  • Tailored Learning: Smaller lessons with better staffing ratios allow for personalized learning.
  • Diverse Interventions: A wide range of interventions cater for various needs.
  • Social Engagement: Children get to socialize and learn with peers, reducing one-on-one time with adults.
  • Full Curriculum Access: Shorter, accessible sessions ensure full curriculum participation without missing core learning.
  • Targeted Support: Close interactions help assess and meet individual needs effectively.
  • Professional Growth: Collaboration among staff enhances skills through shared expertise and dialogue.

Parent Support


Surrey Local Offer

Mindworks Surrey


Surrey local offer



SEND Advice Surrey Sunshine Support: in-person learning, live online learning and cuppa & chat Autism Education Trust

Send advice surrey


Autism education

British Dyslexia Association NHS - Sensory Needs PDA


Nhs england

Asd society

Autism Freemantles Parent Support Family Action Surrey Family Support Programme


Family action


Policies and Legislation

At Sayes Court we use the definition for SEN and for disability from the SEND Code of Practice (2014). This states:


A child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A learning difficulty or disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. Special educational provision means an educational provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age in a mainstream setting in England.


Many children and young people who have SEN may have a disability under the Equality Act 2010 – that is …” a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day to day activities.”

Click here to read the SEND Code

Click here to read our SEND Policy

Four main areas of need are identified in the SEND Code. 

Click here to read more about the four main areas of need

We've implemented an Accessibility Plan and regularly remind our staff about the Equality Act 2010. Our school premises, including buildings and grounds, are entirely accessible. Ensuring all children have access to necessary learning resources is a priority, guaranteeing an inclusive environment for every student's education.

Q & A

How does the School decide which strategies and interventions to use? 

Strategies and interventions are determined by the needs of the children, based on the four areas of need and their current level of skill and knowledge in regard to the curriculum.  This is informed by class teacher and SENCo discussions, and where relevant, specialist input.  LSAs will also take part in this process. 

How does the School match the curriculum to the needs of the children? 

We use assessment of children’s starting points, our prior knowledge and skills to ensure a tailored and personalised curriculum.  We also consider the context of our School and expectations in Y7 and beyond in planning our curriculum for all children and those with SEN. 

Can my SEND child participate in Extra-Curricular Activities / Educational Visits? 

All children with SEN have the same access to extra-curricular activities / educational visits as those children without SEN.  School provides any support necessary to ensure this access. 

How does the School ensure the environment is accessible? 

An Accessibility Plan is in place and staff are reminded about the Equality Act 2010. Our school buildings and grounds are fully accessible and we ensure that all children have access to the resources they need for their learning. 

How does the School supports transition? 

We have a programme in place for welcoming new children to our setting.  For Nursery and Reception, this includes home and nursery visits.  We also meet with parents, teachers and professionals where children have identified SEN needs and ensure that we receive all relevant paperwork.  Parents and children are invited to attend various events in school prior to starting and individual or small group events are organised where necessary. We follow the same process where we have in year transfers.  Events are however not relevant here but visits prior to starting are encouraged. 

Where children are transitioning to another school or are at the end of KS2, we arrange visits to our local secondaries and have ongoing links with these schools from Year 4. The SENCo and class teachers communicate and share information with the secondary school or school to which the child is transferring to ensure the smoothest transition possible. 

How the School supports well-being for SEND children? 

The School uses a range of strategies and interventions to support well-being.  All staff are trained to provide a high level of pastoral support. We have a clear, well established Behaviour Policy and a detailed Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE) statutory curriculum that is consistently followed across the School. 

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